رسالة الى صديقتي. أجمل رسالة لصديقة

Thanks for knowing exactly when to tell me what I want to hear, when I want to hear it the most Friendship quote one true friend in life worth living• I need you like how a flower needs sunshine
If you were a house, I could live inside you There is no one with whom I can share my tears and fears, if you were not here

رسالة الى صديقتي الغالية على قلبي

Best friends are those who keep giving, even when you have nothing to give in return.

رسالة إلى صديقتي الحزينة
Cute thank you card greeting for friends• Tu es vraiment ma meilleure amie
كلمات وعبارات شكر صديقتي الغالية
Friendship memories quote about simple times in life• People who say that there are no Sorrys or Thank Yous in friendship, are wrong
أجمل رسالة لصديقة
Ca fait maintenant 6 ans que je te suporte ma vache! Ca compte tellement pour moi de pouvoir dire ca! My friend… thanks for tolerating my idiosyncrasies and crazy habits
Thanks for being by my side, and always giving me reasons to cheer You might not know this, but you helped me find happiness in being the person that I really am
The secret to lifelong friendship is to treat is not just as a gift, but also as a responsibility Thank you for being by my side not just when success makes me a haughty snob, but also when failure makes be a lousy slob

نموذج رسالة لصديق

Happiness in my life is doubled because you never let me feel blue.

أجمل رسالة لصديقة
You have been the foundation of our friendship, my pillar of strength and the wall which shields me from every sorrow
رسالة إلى صديقتي الحزينة
Thanks for being my friend
رسائل اعتذار لصديقتي
Thank you my friend long hugs and laughs in friendship message• Living life without a friend like you would be like celebrating Christmas without Santa Claus or Easter without a chocolate bunny