ختان البنات. هل ورد حديث صحيح في ختان الإناث

Yousef, , International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 114 1 , July 2011, pp For the photographs, , 1996 Pulitzer Prize winners; for other examples, Nnaemeka 2005, pp
, Kunnskapssenteret Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services , systematic review no Mairo Usman Mandara, "Female genital cutting in Nigeria: View of Nigerian Doctors on the Medicalization Debate", in Bettina Shell-Duncan and Ylva Hernlund eds

كيفية ختان البنات

10, calls the Egyptian Doctors' Society opposition the "first known campaign" against FGM; for independence, Boddy 2007, p.

أنواع ختان الإناث وأضرار الختان على الفتيات
, "Inconsistent reporting of female genital cutting status in northern Ghana: Explanatory factors and analytical consequences", Studies in Family Planning, 34 3 , 2003, pp
الفوائد الطبية من ختان البنات
: , World Health Organization, 2 June 2006
ختان البنات: مخاطر كبيرة لظاهرة يجب القضاء عليها
, ; for the relatives, , p
uk, and legal guidance , Crown Prosecution Service: "The Act refers to 'girls', though it also applies to women Wairagala Wakabi, , The Lancet, 369 9567 , 31 March 2007, pp
Nour, , Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1 3 , Summer 2008, pp Patricia Dysart Rudloff, , 26 Saint Mary's Law Journal, 877, 1995

ما حكم الختان في الإسلام

Samuel Waje Kunhiyop, African Christian Ethics, Zondervan, 2008, p.

القول الراجح في حكم ختان النساء
For a source covering up to February 2015: Corinne Packer, et al
هل ورد حديث صحيح في ختان الإناث
Emily Banks, et al, , The Lancet, 367 9525 , 3 June 2006, pp
الفوائد الطبية من ختان البنات
Nawal El Saadawi, The Hidden Face of Eve, London: Zed Books, 2007 [1980], p