وظائف علاج طبيعي. Trovit

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Physical Therapy Specialist / اخصائي علاج طبيعي

Assesses the Physical Therapy requirements of individual patients and in conjunction with the Chief Physical Therapist when necessary.

مطلوب أخصائية علاج طبيعي بمركز المختص للعلاج الطبيعي
Maintains progress reports on patients
وظيفة أخصائي علاج طبيعي فى مجموعة مستشفيات السعودي الألماني فى الدمام, المنطقة الشرقية
Maintains knowledge of current developments and new techniques within Physical Therapy
Membership of Saudi Health Professions Council and other recognized Physical Therapy Council in the country of origin or training
Provides written reports and notes for individual patients on clinical findings Participate in community activities as related to health education and patient education practice
Implements planned Physical Therapy treatments using skilled techniques, referring to Chief Physical Therapist when necessary

وظائف علاج طبيعي في الامارات

Membership of Saudi Health Professions Council for Saudi.

Provides information for input into program and patient billing system whenever applicable
وظائف علاج طبيعي في الامارات
Physical Therapy Specialist / اخصائي علاج طبيعي