القلق الوظيفي. خطورة القلق الوظيفي وطرق التخلص منه

"Disrupted Amygdalar Subregion Functional Connectivity and Evidence of a Compensatory Network in Generalized Anxiety Disorder" Nassir Ghaemi 2 April 2007
"Current theoretical models of generalized anxiety disorder GAD : Conceptual review and treatment implications" "Cognitive behavioral and pharmacological treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: A preliminary meta-analysis"

9 خطوات تساعدك على علاج القلق النفسي بدون أدوية

National Alliance on Mental Illness.

اضطراب القلق العام
"The epidemiology of generalized anxiety disorder in Europe"
الوجه المضيء للقلق
"A Review and Meta-Analysis of the Genetic Epidemiology of Anxiety Disorders"
دراسات عن الاكتئاب من 2008
"Anxiety, anxiety disorders, tobacco use, and nicotine: A critical review of interrelationships"
"Anxiety disorders in older adults: A comprehensive review" Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Kessler, Ronald C
; Menon, Vinod; Greicius, Michael D Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

القلق الوظيفى

International Classification of Diseases ICD-10• "Pregabalin: Its efficacy, safety and tolerability profile in generalized anxiety".

دراسات عن الاكتئاب من 2008
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy
تعريف القلق
Crocq, Marc-Antoine June 1, 2017
اضطرابات القلق
"DSM-III generalized anxiety disorder: An empirical investigation of more stringent criteria"
: American Psychiatric Association; 2013 Psychopathology: History, Diagnosis, and Empirical Foundations
Natural medicines in the clinical management of anxiety : 2007 Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, 4th ed

الوجه المضيء للقلق

; Burke, AE; Golub, RM 2011.

أشد خطرا من ضغط الدم والتدخين
; Lista, Simone; Severus, Emanuel; Maier, Wolfgang 26 August 2014
اضطرابات القلق
The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
خطورة القلق الوظيفي وطرق التخلص منه
Bandelow, Borwin; Wedekind, Dirk; Leon, Teresa 2007