الذين تبوؤوا الدار هم. تفسير قوله تعالى وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدَّارَ وَالْإِيمَانَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ

kepada mereka berupa harta rampasan dari Bani Nadhir, yang memang harta itu khusus buat kaum Muhajirin dan mereka mengutamakan, orang-orang Muhajirin, atas diri mereka sendiri sekalipun mereka dalam kesusahan yakni mereka memerlukan apa yang mereka relakan kepada orang-orang Muhajirin They love those who have migrated to them and do not covet what has been given them; they even prefer them above themselves though poverty be their own lot
but usurps the rights of others, or at least wants to have for himself all that is good in the world and should not leave anything for others But when this word is attributed to the self of matt it becomes synonymous with narrow-mindedness, niggardliness, meanspiritedness and small-heartedness, and not mete stinginess: it is rather the root cause of stinginess itself

الذين تبوؤوا الدار هم

" the second way is that you take back your properties, and the lands vacated by the Jews be distributed among the Emigrants.

ما المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار في قوله تعالى والذين تبوءوا الدار والايمان من قبلهم اجابة السؤال
Dan mereka tiada menaruh keinginan dalam hati mereka artinya mereka tidak iri hati terhadap apa-apa yang diberikan kepada mereka yakni apa yang telah diberikan oleh Nabi saw
ما المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار
minded people in the world
من المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار
The Holy Prophet said: "These people do not know gardening: they have come from a region where there are no gardens
Ibn Hisham Ruh al-Ma ani We think they would thus be entitled to all spiritual rewards
It incited them to shed each other's blood and make the sacred and forbidden things of others lawful for themselves When the Emigrants came from Makkah and other places to their city, they offered their gardens and oases to the Holy Prophet upon whom be Allah's peace with the request that he distribute them among their emigrant brethren-in-faith

المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار

This is a blessing of God, which one can attain only by God's bounty and grace The word shuhh is used for stinginess and miserliness in Arabic.

المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan orangorang Ansar yang mendiami negeri Madinah serta beriman sebelum mereka mengasihi orangorang yang berhijrah ke negeri mereka dan tidak ada pula dalam hati mereka perasaan berhajatkan apa yang telah diberi kepada orangorang yang berhijrah itu; dan mereka juga mengutamakan orangorang yang berhijrah itu lebih daripada diri mereka sendiri sekalipun mereka dalam keadaan kekurangan dan amat berhajat Dan ingatlah sesiapa yang menjaga serta memelihara dirinya daripada dipengaruhi oleh tabiat bakhilnya maka merekalah orangorang yang berjaya•
ما المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار في قوله تعالى والذين تبوءوا الدار والايمان من قبلهم
The tradition of Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Umar contains the following words: "It led them to commit wickedness and they committed it; it commanded them to commit sins and they committed sin; it urged them to break off all connections with the kindred and they broke off all connections with them
المراد بالذين تبوؤوا الدار
Dan siapa yang dipelihara dari kekikiran dirinya dari ketamakannya terhadap harta benda mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntung