طائر البوتو. معلومات عن طائر بوتو

If disturbed by a human being, its behaviors can be quite variable - quickly flying away, intimidation via beak-opening, or remaining still even when being touched 2003 : New and noteworthy bird records from the northern sector of the Western Andes of Colombia
It avoids cooler regions; it is rarely observed over 1,900 m even in the hottest parts of its range The sexes appear similar, and cannot be distinguished upon observation

بوتو شائع

Until recently, the common potoo was said to range from Mexico south to the lowlands of central South America.

طائر البوتو ذو العيون الجاحظة
If disturbed by larger animals, such as Callithrix jacchus , it may break its camouflage and try to chase the threat away
طائر البوتو ذو العيون الجاحظة
The birds at the southern end of their range may migrate short distances northwards in winter
طائر البوتو الغريب
The male and female alternate brooding the egg while the other forages for insects
This allows the potoo to camouflage into branches 2008 : Three new species and novel distributional data for birds in Uruguay
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to

معلومات عن طائر بوتو

Description [ ] Common potoos are 34—38 cm long with motled red-brown, white, black, and grey cryptic plumage.

صور ومعلومات عن طائر بوتو العظيم Great potoo
This division was largely based on the differing of the two species
بوتو شائع
This entails sticking its beak vertically up in the air, closing its eyelids through which it can still see via slits , and remaining still
طائر البوتو الجاحظ
When seized, this bird produces a squeaky sound not unlike that of a crow
This call greatly differs from that of much deeper and more dramatic northern potoo While the parents are away from the nest, the fledgling begins to feed on nearby flies and preen itself
In 2016, though, the species was subdivided into the and the continuing branch of the common potoo, which only retains residence from to northern and Parents gradually decrease their presence in the nest with the juvenile as it matures

Common potoo

2 ft high to occupy.

طائر البوتو ذو العيون الجاحظة
Apart from flying away, chicks respond to disturbances in a similar manner to adults
بوتو عظيم
It tends to avoid arid regions, but was recorded in the dry plain of in April 1999
بوتو (طائر)
on the Internet Bird Collection• Adult and juvenile potoos alike choose perches that are similar in diameter to their own bodies, so that they can better blend in with the stump