صورة الضحى. تفسير سورة الضحى

﴾1﴿ By the morning hours ﴾2﴿ And by the night when it is stillest, ﴾3﴿ Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee, ﴾4﴿ And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former, ﴾5﴿ And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content ﴾6﴿ Did He not find thee an orphan and protect thee? Ad-Duha English translation by Marmaduke Pickthall and Naeem Sultan
﴾9﴿ Therefor the orphan oppress not, ﴾10﴿ Therefor the beggar drive not away, ﴾11﴿ Therefor of the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse Read Surah Ad-Duha with English Translation - Surah Ad-Duha is Meccan Surah and also called Makki Surah of Quran e Pak

فوائد سورة الضحى لقضاء الحوائج

﴾7﴿ Did He not find thee wandering and direct thee? Darsaal also provides you Quran in English Audio with Mp3 dowloand.

تفسير سورة الضحى
You can read Surah Ad-Duha with English Translation and download mp3 Surah Ad-Duha in your mobile and WhatsApp with voice of Surah Ad-Duha Recited by Abdul Basit Abdul Samad
فوائد سورة الضحى الروحانية
Surah Ad-Duha is available in English with voice of Naeem Sultan using the Pickthall Translation
سبب نزول سورة الضحى
﴾1﴿ By the morning hours ﴾2﴿ And by the night when it is stillest, ﴾3﴿ Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee, ﴾4﴿ And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former, ﴾5﴿ And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content
﴾7﴿ Did He not find thee wandering and direct thee? ﴾8﴿ Did He not find thee destitute and enrich thee? So, Read Quran in English text with arabic Pronunciation here In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
﴾6﴿ Did He not find thee an orphan and protect thee? ﴾9﴿ Therefor the orphan oppress not, ﴾10﴿ Therefor the beggar drive not away, ﴾11﴿ Therefor of the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse

أسرار وفضائل سورة الضحى

﴾8﴿ Did He not find thee destitute and enrich thee? Read and Download Ad-Duha Ayat by Ayat in English Translation and Tafseer.

فوائد سورة الضحى لقضاء الحوائج
فوائد سورة الضحى الروحانية
سبب نزول سورة الضحى

فوائد سورة الضحى الروحانية


سورة الضحى
صلاة الضحى
صلاة الضحى