موقع الصاروخ. الموقع المتوقع لسقوط الصاروخ الصيني.. و6 دول عربية في مأمن

Source: Weatherboy - Jul 24 REPROGRAMMABLE SATELLITE FUELLED PRIOR TO LAUNCH - A sophisticated telecommunications satellite capable of being completely repurposed in orbit has been fuelled ready for its launch on 30 July This has sparked concerns among astronomers and other skygazers, who worry about interference with observations of the night sky



موقع تعقب يتنبأ بمكان سقوط الصاروخ الصيني الخارج عن السيطرة
لتتبع مسار الصاروخ الصيني الخارج عن السيطرة.. إليك الطريقة
Source: CNET - Jul 26 SKYWATCHER SPOTS RUSSIA'S NAUKA SCIENCE MODULE HEADED TO SPACE STATION PHOTO - A British astrophotographer captured a stunning view of Russia's largest addition to the International Space Station yet, the Nauka science module, just hours after its launch into orbit on Wednesday July 21 com - Jul 19 BRANSON'S VIRGIN ORBIT PLANS NEW SATELLITE LAUNCHES IN 2022 - While Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic is paving the way towards space tourism, its sister company, Virgin Orbit, is making its own push for dominance in satellites by bringing the most efficient rate possible at the lowest cost
SATELLITE NEWS FAREWELL, PIRS; ISS MODULE DECOMMISSIONED, SET FOR DESTRUCTIVE REENTRY - After nearly 20 years in orbit serving as a docking port and airlock for the Russian segment of the International Space Station ISS , the Pirs module — also called Stykovochny Otsek 1, or Docking Compartment 1 DC-1 — will become the first habitable element of the station to be decommissioned

6 معلومات عن الصاروخ الأمريكي الشارد.. تعرفوا عليها


موقع يتيح تتبع الصاروخ الصيني الخارج عن السيطرة
They will travel in a capsule with the bigge
من هنا يمكنك تتبع مسار الصاروخ الصيني الشارد الذي يحبس أنفاس البشرية
The 20-year-old Pirs was scheduled to leave the orbiting lab tomorrow July 23 to open a slot for the Russian
موقع يتيح تتبع الصاروخ الصيني الخارج عن السيطرة
Starliner will launch on a United Launch