مس فيونكه. Miss Feionkah initie l’Arabie saoudite à l’art chocolatier

She has always been deeply passionate by pastry and especially the chocolate making A real success that is now seeking to be exported
Officiating in the family kitchen as an apprentice, she has become a disciple of one of the greatest chocolate masters and learnt the academic rules of the art of chocolate Elle se lance alors sur les routes de la grande chocolaterie, de la Haute Chocolaterie! Indeed, the young entrepreneur and Saudi chocolate artist can be — 10 years after the launch of Miss Feionkah — very proud of her success with chocolates that are exported beyond Saudi borders

5 سعوديات بارزات في مجال التغذية الصحية

Her methods have been perfected in contact with the best chocolatiers in the world.

#الصندوق_الصناعي يحتفي برائدات الصناعة تزامناً مع #يوم_المرأة_العالمي » صحيفة 7days الإلكترونية
You will be running after government officers, putting together a marketing plan, managing a full team
Miss Feionkah initie l’Arabie saoudite à l’art chocolatier
A post shared by missfeionkah on Jun 14, 2018 at 8:41am PDT Un vrai chef ne fait pas que diriger, il enseigne! on Jun 1, 2018 at 10:15am PDT If she wants to innovate in this already very popular environment and be able to promote her Saudi stamp on the international market, she has to learn more, to push her limits back
Miss Feionkah initie l’Arabie saoudite à l’art chocolatier
A post shared by missfeionkah on Jun 14, 2018 at 8:41am PDT All the knowledge she has accumulated during her journeys gives her confidence
Roaa Saud Saber was an attentive and diligent student while her mother was training her It is now time to start up
These are the keys to longevity in business! A real workshop of young artists where the know-how of chocolate making is passed on from generation to generation, creating a tradition of art of chocolate in Saudi Arabia! With her now extensive knowledge and an original style inspired by the flavors of Arabia, Roaa Saud Saber founded her own chocolate house, Miss Feionkah, in 2018 A post shared by missfeionkah on Feb 18, 2016 at 7:37am PST Galvanized by this first training she got at home, her heart intimately pushed her to go further, and sell her sweet creations

أوروبا الشرقيه ميزانية 22ألف في سبتمبر؟!!

See also A real chief does not only lead, she teaches! Her family was very supportive and many of her acquaintances became her earliest customers, the most faithful and enthusiastic ones! Beyond her perseverance and her diligence, Roaa Saud Saber knows how to see far and to anticipate.

5 سعوديات بارزات في مجال التغذية الصحية
الوجه: رؤى صابر، الرئيس التنفيذي و مؤسسة مِس فيونكة
And she has been able, in turn, to teach her passion, her knowledge accumulated and brought back from all over the world as well as the personal techniques she developed during her career, to her team
في اليوم العالمي للشوكولاتة.. إليكم أبرز متاجر الشوكولاتة في السعودية
In addition, her lack of professional experiences and academic skills have never slowed down her ambitions