بشار الأسد. اسمه يرعب أنصاره.. صور جديدة لقريب بشار الأسد

Pro-Assad demonstration in , 20 June 2011 In July 2011, U and other countries backing the opposition will eventually conclude that the regime is a necessary partner on the ground in confronting this jihadi threat", while Robin Wright of the Middle East Program at the has stated "the outside world's decision to focus on ISIS has ironically lessened the pressure on Assad
To further weaken the old Syrian order in Lebanon, Bashar replaced the long-serving de facto Syrian of Lebanon, , with Speakwell Cordall, Simon 21 June 2014

اسمه يرعب أنصاره.. صور جديدة لقريب بشار الأسد

Assad used Syria's seat in one of the rotating positions on the to try to prevent the invasion of Iraq.

بشار الأسد.. طبيب عيون جعله الموت رئيسا ديكتاتورا
The Assad children reportedly rarely saw their father, and Bashar later stated that he only entered his father's office once while he was president
صحيفة إسرائيلية ترسم مستقبل وسوريا وتكشف عن سيناريوهين
Soon after Assad assumed power, he "made Syria's link with — and its patrons in Tehran — the central component of his security doctrine", and in his foreign policy, Assad is an outspoken critic of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey
بشار الاسد
Karkouti, Mustapha 9 May 2015
They also reportedly helped Syria develop a suspected nuclear reactor in the Middle East Monitor — The Latest from the Middle East
The leader of and , , has said that electing President Assad means "preserving Syria's unity and sovereignty and that it will help end the crisis and confront terrorism, wishing prosperity and safety to Syria" Iraqi president threatened Assad with an international tribunal over the matter, and ultimately lead to the , and United States airstrikes within Syria during the Iraq War

صحيفة إسرائيلية ترسم مستقبل وسوريا وتكشف عن سيناريوهين

Intelligence chief was placed under house arrest sometime in April and stood accused of plotting with Assad's exiled uncle to replace Bashar as president.

حافظ الأسد
Responding to accusations that his comment was antisemitic, Assad said that "We in Syria reject the term antisemitism
بشار الأسد.. طبيب عيون جعله الموت رئيسا ديكتاتورا
Bashar al
" Personal life Assad and his wife Asma, 2003 Assad speaks fluent English and basic conversational French, having studied at the Franco-Arab al-Hurriyah school in
Nebehay, Stephanie 10 June 2014 Senator in 2009 Assad met with U
called on the Obama administration to create a war crimes to investigate and prosecute violations "whether committed by the officials of the Government of Syria or other parties to the civil war" Opposition parties were not allowed in the country and Assad was the only candidate in the referendum

حافظ الأسد

Blair, David 12 December 2014.

بشار الاسد
Makdisi, Marwan 16 July 2014
بشار اسد
Al-Assad in Arabic means "the Lion"
صحيفة إسرائيلية ترسم مستقبل وسوريا وتكشف عن سيناريوهين
from the original on 17 March 2015