مبادرة تحسين العلاقة التعاقدية. مبادرة العلاقة لعاملي منشآت القطاع الخاص في السعودية

LRI also activates the contractual agreement between the employee and employer based on their employment contract through digital documentation of those contracts, which will contribute to reducing the disparity between the Saudi workers and the expatriates
The reforms come into eect on March 14th All three services will be made available to the public through the smartphone application Absher and Qiwa portal of the HRSD

مبادرة العلاقة لعاملي منشآت القطاع الخاص في السعودية

This, in turn, will reect positively on the job market by increasing the employment opportunities for Saudis while also increasing the attractiveness of the local job market for top talent.

ثغرات في مبادرة العلاقة التعاقدية
LRI also outlines conditions applicable during the validity of the contract, provided a notice period and specic measures are adhered to
توضح كيفية الاستفادة من خدمات مبادرة تحسين العلاقة التعاقدية
In addition to other programs concerning the development and improvement of the working environment and safeguarding the rights of both parties of the employment relationship
توضح كيفية الاستفادة من خدمات مبادرة تحسين العلاقة التعاقدية
LRI is also expected to decrease the number of dispute cases between employers and employees and attract high-level caliber from around the world
It would also incase its ranking on international competitiveness indicators as it elevates the labor regulations to international practices in line with signed labor conventions It was preluded by several meetings and workshops with representatives of the private sectors and the Council of Saudi Chambers and is based on studies and research that included international best practices in this eld
It applies to all expatriate workers in the private sector, and includes specic control measures put in place to take into account the rights of both parties of the contractual relationship LRI comes to enhance the competitiveness of the local Saudi labor market and puts it on par with similar international markets

توضح كيفية الاستفادة من خدمات مبادرة تحسين العلاقة التعاقدية


كل ما تريد معرفته عن مبادرة تحسين العلاقة التعاقدية في السعودية
تعرف على مبادرة إلغاء نظام الكفيل وتحسين العلاقة التعاقدية بين صاحب العمل والوافد
مبادرة العلاقة لعاملي منشآت القطاع الخاص في السعودية