سلطات جديده. سلطات جديده

This new economic system resulted in the necessity of controlling competition between public and private economic operators
com Saad Lagoun, saadlagoun yahoo com Ashraf Salih, ashraf-salih hotmail

صوت بيروت إنترناشونال

Abstract: When Algeria adopted the market economy in the 1989 Constitution, the door was opened for private individuals to carry out economic activities that had been monopolized by the state.

ماكرون يعلن عن فرض قيود جديدة في فرنسا وسط ارتفاعات غير مسبوقة في الإصابات بكورونا
; Keywords: economic control authorities, independent administrative authorities, control state, economic public order
أفكار سلطات جديدة
This approach in assigning the regulation of the economy to an independent authority of economic control was considered as a declaration of changing the function of the state
ماكرون يعلن عن فرض قيود جديدة في فرنسا وسط ارتفاعات غير مسبوقة في الإصابات بكورونا
com TAIBI Souad, taibisou yahoo
com Mabrouk LEMCHOUNCHI, mabroukpaps gmail It was necessary to separate between the state functions in the exploitation of public economic institutions and its functions in regulating the economy
This is because we cannot imagine that the state in this new economic system should have two roles at the same time, as an economic agent as a contributor to public economic institutions, and its role as a competitor in setting competitive rules The rules of transparency and impartiality required the assignment of this task to authorities independent of the state

سلطات جديدة وسريعه للحمية

Keywords: economic control authorities, independent administrative authorities, control state, economic public order.

المغرب: سلطات الأمن تدشن فرقة جديدة لمكافحة المتفجرات وتحديات الإرهاب
سلطات بلجيكا: تسجيل 1990 إصابة جديدة بكورونا ودلتا هو المهيمن
ماكرون يعلن عن فرض قيود جديدة في فرنسا وسط ارتفاعات غير مسبوقة في الإصابات بكورونا