اول مسجد في الاسلام. ما أول مسجد بنى فى الإسلام

"5: The Demak Mosque: A Construction of Authority" On the morning of the tenth, all depart
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck; Smith, Jane I le Roux, Schalk June 2007

ماهو اول مسجد في الاسلام كان يزوره النبي كل سبت و أقيمت فيه صلاة الجمعة

There is special grace for praying at the roofless mosque in Muzdalifah called al-Mash'ar al-Haram the Sacred Grove.

قباء.. أول مسجد بُني في الإسلام أصبح يستوعب 20 ألف مصلّ
أول مسجد في الإسلام
The Koran instructs us to spend the night at al-Mash'ar al-Haram
أول مسجد شُيّد في الإسلام.. لماذا سمي بهذا الاسم؟
Westerlund, David; Svanberg, Ingvar 1999
: for Hajj Research Centre Mann, Sylvia January 1, 1983
According to historian Oleg Grabar, "It is only at a relatively late date that the Muslim holy space in Jerusalem came to be referred to as al-haram al-sharif literally, the Noble Sacred Precinct or Restricted Enclosure, often translated as the Noble Sanctuary and usually simply referred to as the Haram

أول مسجد بني في الإسلام

Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Kultuurgeskiedenis South African Journal of Cultural History.

مسجد الضرار, مسجد قباء, أول مسجد في الإسلام, عبد الله بن سلول
Pauly, Martial 10 February 2011
ما اسم اول مسجد في الاسلام
While the exact early history of this term is unclear, we know that it only became common in Ottoman times, when administrative order was established over all matters pertaining to the organization of the Muslim faith and the supervision of the holy places, for which the Ottomans took financial and architectural responsibility
مسجد في منى شاهد على أول بيعة في الإسلام وهذه قصته
Melton, John Gordon; Baumann, Martin 2002-01-01