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For an observation to be a scientific law, it must and an object in constant motion tends to be observed repeatedly Some observations might force scientists to think of new explanations
Any answer to a scientific question is uncertain because people will never know everything about the world around them Is this a scientific theory or a scientific law? Scientific Laws A rule that describes a pattern in nature is called o scientific law

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Clue: Look at the boxes Explanation Still possible Explanation Modified Explanation discarded New possible explanation Modifying Explanations Controlled Experiment This student is adding different types of gas to each of the experimental test tubes.

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A controlled experiment must have two groups-a control group and an experimental group
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A control group allows scientists to determine whether changes observed during an experiment are a result of the changes in the dependent variable or changes in some other variable
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Read a Photo What is the independent variable in this experiment? He collected different types of gas in a balloon
Sometimes, the answers to scientific questions ore inferred All objects exert gravitational force
An inference is a conclusion formed from available information or evidence He will not add any gas to the control test tube

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Science can answer a question only with the information available at the time.

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Theories are the best explanations that have been found so for
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Both groups include the same factors under the same conditions
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A scientific theory is an attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in the natural world
Scientists try to keep all other variables constant-or unchanged With new knowledge, they might realize that some of the old explanations no longer fit the new information
Clue: Which factor was changed? The variable that is being measured is called the dependent variable An observation is using you senses and An inference is a conclusion formed from available

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Each of Sir Newton's laws describe the motion of an object.

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The independent variable is changed in the experimental group and unchanged in the control group
حل كتاب العلوم خامس ابتدائي الفصل الاول 1443
This theory has held true for many years
حل كتاب العلوم للصف الخامس الفصل الاول
Which is the independent variable in an experiment investigating the effect of weight on the speed of vehicles? Look at the student's experiment in the above photo