أركان العبادة ثلاثة. أذكر ثلاثة أمثلة على أركان العبادة

The worship that is required includes of the meaning of submission and love, and it consists of three pillars, they are:• This is why it is not sufficient to have one without the other in worshiping Allah the Elevated, rather Allah must be more beloved to the servant than anything else, and grander to him than anything else
Worshiping Him with hope alone is the way of the Murji-ah Fear These three have to be combined, and whoever clings to just one of them would not be a worshiper of Allah with complete worship

اركان العبادة ثلاثة

Likewise subjugation without love is not worship; just as one is subjugated to a ruler or a tyrant for fear of oppression.

اركان العبادة ثلاثة
Worshiping Allah with love alone is the way of the Soofees
اركان العبادة ثلاثة
Worshiping Him with fear alone is the way of the Khawaarij
أركان العبادة ثلاثة

اركان العبادة ثلاثة


أنواع العبادة وأركانها وخصائصها وأهم شروط صحتها
ماهي اركان العباده
بالتعاون مع مجموعتك اذكر ثلاثة أمثلة على أركان العبادة