اللهم لا تعلق قلبي. اللهم لا تعلق قلبي الا بك

Oh Allah, if my intended action is best for me, make it destined and easy for me, and grant me Your Blessings in it I seek your shelter from worries that sadden me, thoughts that make me restless, information that bothers me, and people that intend bad for me
Oh Lord, teach me to love others as I love myself And shield me from trials oh Lord of the Universes! Place in my hearing, Light

اللهم لاتعلق قلبي بما ليس لي , دعاء جميل يريح الانسان

Place in my sight, Light.

اللهم لا تعلق قلبي الا بك
Shield me from looking at the prohibited! O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men
Grant me the strength to oppose myself, the courage to face my weakness, the conviction to accept my faith, the satisfaction of to relax my mind, and the understanding to reassure my heart
اللهم لاتعلق قلبي بما ليس لي , دعاء جميل يريح الانسان
Surely, You are the forgiver, the Merciful
Oh lord, expand my chest, ease my affair, and untie the knot in my tongue and perfect my expression
Oh Allah, clean away all forms of evil from my heart Shield me from my rebellions! Wa AsliH lee Sha'nee kullahu, laa ilaah illa ant

دعاء اللهم لا سهل الا ماجعلته سهلا , دعاء تسهيل المذاكرة و سهولة الحفظ

And teach me to tolerate those who have higher authority than me.

تعلق قلبي
When you give me humility, do not take away my dignity
اللهُمَّ لآ تُعلّق قلبي إلآ بك
Allahumma Tahhir Qalbee min kulli Gillin wa HiQdin wa Hasadin wa kibr
تعلق قلبي
AlHamdulillah kamaa yambaGee li jalaal wajhik wa aZHeemi sulTaanik