רוטר. רוטר.נט

Having low expectancies means the individual believes it is unlikely that his or her behavior will result in reinforcement בשנת הוסיף האתר עמוד מבזקי חדשות מישראל בשפה האנגלית, מאתרים בישראל ומחוץ לה
As with expectancy, reinforcement value is subjective, meaning that the same event or experience can vastly differ in desirability, depending on the individual's life experience Or, in other words, the likelihood of a person's exhibiting a particular behavior is a function of the probability that that behavior will lead to a given outcome and the desirability of that outcome

mako החדשות

Expectancy is the subjective probability that a given behavior will lead to a particular outcome, or reinforcer.

The Social Learning Theory of Julian B. Rotter
If we see someone else being punished for a particular behavior, we don't have to experience punishment personally to form an expectancy that this behavior is likely to be punished
mako החדשות
בסוף שנת , בעקבות סכסוך עם המנהל והבעלים ישעיהו רוטר, פרשו חברים מרכזיים ממערכת הפורומים, יחד עם מי ששימש כ של האתר וארבעה מנהלים טכניים אדמינים שלו
For example, knowing that someone is a generally hostile person allows us to make predictions that this individual will be hostile toward a range of people
Lastly, reinforcement value problems can lead to pathology If people achieve an outcome that equals or exceeds their minimal goal, they will feel that they have succeeded
The law of effect states that people are motivated to seek out positive stimulation, or reinforcement, and to avoid unpleasant stimulation Although the psychological situation does not figure directly into Rotter's formula for predicting behavior, Rotter believes it is always important to keep in mind that different people interpret the same situation differently

כל המבזקים

After graduation, Rotter attended the University of Iowa, where he took classes with Kurt Lewin.

מבזקים.נט » מבזקי חדשות לפי קטגוריה » חדשות
Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2, 1-10
על רקע פרסום הרפורמה של השר לשירותי דת מתן כהנא בתחום הכשרות מפרסם איגוד חכמי המערב בארץ ישראל מכתב תמיכה בשר ובמהלכים אותם הוא מקדם
The 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century
Rotter has been cited as one of the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century Development and evaluation of a controlled method
There may be no relationship whatsoever between the person's subjective assessment of how likely a reinforcement will be and the actual, objective probability of the reinforcer's occurring Rotter is very opposed to the medical model conception of mental disorders as being diseases or illnesses

כל המבזקים

NMR expectancies represent beliefs people have about their ability to control the unpleasant moods they experience.

מבזקים.נט » מבזקי חדשות לפי קטגוריה » חדשות
It is important to note that expectancy is a subjective probability, because one common source of pathology is irrational expectancies
The more often a behavior has led to reinforcement in the past, the stronger the person's expectancy that the behavior will achieve that outcome now
כל המבזקים
He believed that a psychological theory should have a psychological motivational principle