فرض كفاية. الجهاد فرض كفاية

105 The physical jihad is also Fard Kifayah, but when the enemies occupy a Muslim land it becomes a Fard Ayn upon all of its mature and above residents to defend their home Scholars of Usul al-Fiqh disagree on who is entitled to perform the Fard al-Kifayah
Everyone should work according to his capacity: those who can teach it to children, those who can study how to build it, those who can write, those who can fund the process, those who can support it politically, those who can only pray and wish… etc

فرض كفاية

some go to learn and teach and others go and fight.

What is the difference between fard kifayah and fard ayn?
242, Aal ibn Taymiyah, al-Muswadah, pp
هل الاذان فرض كفاية للصلوات الخمس فقط
They fit into three main categories: The only one capable of it: In cases where there is only one person or a group capable of doing the Fard Kifayah, the hukm here becomes Fard Ayn upon him or them
هل الاذان فرض كفاية للصلوات الخمس فقط
"The Kifayah obligation is prescribed upon all and is relieved when some do it
Gazali, al-Mustasfa min Ilm al-Usul, Vol " Ibn al-Hajib, Mukhtasar Muntaha al-Sool, p
40-118, Ibn al-Laham, al-Qawa'id wa al-Fawa'id, pp " Ibn al-Hajib, Mukhtasar Muntaha al-Sool, p

مسائل في الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر

" Qur'an 3:104 So only a group of them is enough and entitled.

ماذا يعني فرض عين وفرض كفاية؟
213-214 They also argued there are many Fard Kifayahs such as the Islamic judges, implementers of hudud, tax collectors, imams
الفرق بين فرض الكفاية وفرض العين
They also argued if all of Ummah would be sinful for leaving it, they all are entitled to do the action as Allah would not punish them for something they are not entitled to do
السؤال السابع : هل طلب العلم في هذا الزمان فرض عين أم فرض كفاية؟
" Nawawi, Rawdat al-Talibeen, Vol
Ibn al-Laham, al-Qawa'id wa al-Fawa'id, p Or a good swimmer in a case of saving a drowning person when there is no one able of doing it but him
42 Duty on all of the Ummah: This group of scholars used a number of arguments to support their argument 143 Initiation of Work: Some scholars Zarqashi, Nawawi, Suyuti, ibn Al-Hajib, Ibn al-Najar, Ibn al-Laham argued if a man or a group of people initiated four kinds of Fard Kifayah, it becomes a Fard Ayn on them to complete it: the fighting in Jihad to not to defeat the army , the prayer of Janazah as a respect to the dead Muslim , al-Hajj voluntarily and learning and teaching what you have learnt

هل الاذان فرض كفاية للصلوات الخمس فقط

So, the former is an act that will benefit the individual personally even religiously but the latter helps in organising the community and facilitating the collective performance of the prayer.

السؤال السابع : هل طلب العلم في هذا الزمان فرض عين أم فرض كفاية؟
What is the difference between fard kifayah and fard ayn?
Ibn al-Lahaam, al-Qawa'id wa al-Fawa'id al-Usuliyah, Vol
حكم الجهاد وأنواعه
186 Fard al-Kifayah also includes crafts, professions, industry and everything Muslims need that must be collectively made by them