مرض النوم القهري. ما هو اضطراب النوم القهرى؟

; Mahlios, J; Mignot, E Jun 2013 Orexin neurons are located in the lateral hypothalamus
"Evidence-based pharmacotherapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder" Hence, one hypothesis is that because of the small number of these neurons in narcolepsy there is less excitation of the monoaminergic neurons during wakefulness and consequently a tendency for the cholinergic neurons to escape from the monoaminergic inhibition resulting in sudden attacks of atonia and REM periods

ما هو مرض النوم القهري؟

Muller, Christian P; Jacobs, Barry L; A Dijk; A Klompmakers; D Denys 2009.

النوم القهري مرض نادر يضعف الإنتاجيّة
Starcevic, V; Janca, A January 2011
النوم القهري: الأسباب والأعراض والعلاج
Vankova J, Stepanova I, Jech R, Elleder M, Ling L, Mignot E, Nishino S, Nevsimalova S; Stepanova; Jech; Elleder; Ling; Mignot; Nishino; Nevsimalova June 2003
اضطراب وسواسي قهري
36 Abstract Supplement : A248
"Antidepressants versus placebo for depression in primary care" Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
The VLPO neurons inhibit and are inhibited by the TMN histamine neurons and REM-off monoamine neurons Maret S, Tafti M; Tafti November 2005

النوم يتحول إلى مرض في هذه الحالات: راقب نفسك

Psychology Today, On-line blog, 25 March• "Neurobiological model of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Evidence from recent neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings".

ما هو اضطراب النوم القهرى؟
Miyagawa T, Kawamura H, Obuchi M, Ikesaki A, Ozaki A, Tokunaga K, Inoue Y, Honda M; Kawamura; Obuchi; Ikesaki; Ozaki; Tokunaga; Inoue; Honda 2013
مرض النوم القهري
"Cognitive functions in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder"
الوسواس القهري: الأسباب، الأعراض والعلاج
Zorick FJ, Salis PJ, Roth T, Kramer M; Salis; Roth; Kramer 1979