كلا اذا بلغت التراقي. القرآن الكريم/سورة القيامة

75:31-33 meaning, stubborn, cruel, obstinate, wanton, lazy, having no concern and doing no deeds And then woe to you! '' Mujahid said, "A test will be joined with a test
But on the contrary, he denied and turned away! Verily, his Lord has been ever beholding him! '' This has been reported in the lengthy Hadith of Al-Bara' This is a definite warning and threat from Allah to those who disbelieve in Him and strut about when walking

تفسير ابن كثير/سورة القيامة

Was he not a Nutfah of semen emitted 38.

تفسير ابن كثير/سورة القيامة
'' Qatadah and Zayd bin Aslam both said, "Strutting
سورة القيامة مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل
Verily, he thought that he would never come back to Us! meaning, he became a clot, then a lump of flesh, then he was formed and the soul was blown into him
فصل: الكلام على قوله تعالى: {كلا إذا بلغت التراقي}:
Does man think that he will be left neglected 37
And then again woe to you! Then he became an Alaqah; then shaped and fashioned in due proportion ' This is what is commonly said in this type of situation in order to mock and intimidate someone
And then woe to you! But on the contrary, he denied and turned away! This is to inform about the disbeliever who used to deny the truth in his heart in the abode of this worldly life, and he used to turn away from acting according to its way Then they are returned to Allah, their True Master

القرآن الكريم/سورة القيامة

And then woe to you! Then he walked in conceit to his family admiring himself! "It is a threat followed by a threat, just as you hear it.

التدبر و التفكر فى آية كلا إذا بلغت التراقي وقيل من راق وظن أنه الفراق
Somali - Abduh : Saas ma aha ee markay naftu gaadho Duunta Waqtiga Geerida• '' In another narration from him Al-Hasan he said, "His two legs have died and they will not carry him while he used to walk around on them
فصل: الكلام على قوله تعالى: {كلا إذا بلغت التراقي}:
He also will not be left neglected in his grave unattended to without being resurrected
كلا إذا بلغت التراقي
Then he became a perfect creation with healthy limbs, as either a male or a female by the permission and decree of Allah
So there will be hardships that will meet more hardships, except for he whom Allah has mercy upon So, he neither believed nor prayed! ' If we consider the word "Kalla'' to be a word of affirmation, then this would be the most obvious meaning
This is that the soul ascends into the heavens and Allah says, "Return my servant to the earth, for verily, I have created them from it, I return them into it, and from it I will bring them out at another time And it will be said: "Who can cure him'' 28

كَلَّا إِذَا بَلَغَتِ التَّرَاقِيَ

And then woe to you! Surely, for Him is the judgement and He is the swiftest in taking account.

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Sekalikali jangan Apabila nafas seseorang telah mendesak sampai ke kerongkongan• And then woe to you! The drive will be on that Day to your Lord! And then woe to you! And he will think that it was the parting; 29
They claim that the Prophet of Allah grabbed the clothes of the enemy of Allah, Abu Jahl
سورة القيامة مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل
Apabila telah sampai napas pada tenggorokan atau kerongkongan