دولفين بالانجليزي. سمك تونه

They "porpoise" in and out of the water at high speed Depending on the species, it is 1
They are social animals at all stages of their life 9 ft to 4 metres 13 ft long, but the largest dolphin, the or orca , can be up to 8 metres 26 ft long

أين يعيش الدولفين

2004 indicate that PentaBDE is widespread in peregrine falcon Falco peregrine , merlin Falco columbarius , goshawk Accipiter gentiles , golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos , buzzard Buteo buteo , beluga whales Delphinapterus leucas , irrawaddy dophins Orcaella brevirostris , and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis , all protected by the Bonn convention.

معلومات عن حيوان الدلفين
The young need to breathe more often than the adults, and the food may be in deeper waters
حقائق عن عالم الدلفين
Most live in salt water , but some live in — there are and
معلومات عن حيوان الدلفين
A dolphin's hearing is better than their sight
Dolphins can hear a underwater The dolphins have only one lung, so they get oxygen from the air as they go out to the surface of the water, breathe in oxygen, then sink into the depths again
Dolphin groups or have their own way of sleeping

سمك تونه

There are small holes behind the eyes, and they are the ears of a dolphin.

معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي
Dolphin A , the most well known type of dolphin
When they chase fish, the fish go into a "bait ball" to self-protect
بحث عن الدلافين
Oceanic dolphins are animals living in the sea
Dolphins will keep one eye open to watch for animals that eat them while they sleep If they are in danger, they make a sound like a whistling sound to the other dolphins
It is now known to be a mammal, and quite an intelligent mammal The animal has a relatively smooth smooth skin

خطوات تعليم سباحة الدولفين

Dolphins of marine mammals that live in all seas and oceans except the polar ones, they do not tolerate the high cold, it can be said that they are spread throughout the world.

معلومات عن الدلفين بالصور والفيديو
Dolphin therapy [ ] Dolphin therapy is sometimes used for people with mental or physical handicaps
افضل 10 متصفحات اندرويد 2016
Japan may be the best-known and most controversial example, but eating dolphin is not that common
سمك تونه
Ted: You don't know my father! Dolphins are common in and there are many coins from ancient Greece which feature a man or boy or deity riding on the back of a dolphin