انما النسيء. بوابة الفجر: تفسير الشعراوي لقوله تعالى {إنما النسيء زيادة في الكفر} الآية 37 من سورة التوبة

This gives them that excellent moral training which is the real object of all the obligatory duties imposed by the Divine Law 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 展缓禁月,适足以增加迷信,不信道的人们,因此而迷误。 In one year they make a certain month lawful and in another year they make the same a forbidden month, so as they might make up for the number of the forbidden months and, at the same time, make lawful that which is forbidden by Allah
Allah did this to ensure many good things for the Muslims, one of which is that His servants should be so trained as to obey His Commandments at all times of the year and under all circumstances

إنما النسيء زيادة في الكفر ۖ يضل به الذين كفروا يحلونه عاما ويحرمونه عاما ليواطئوا عدة ما حرم الله فيحلوا ما حرم الله ۚ زين لهم سوء أعمالهم ۗ والله لا يهدي القوم الكافرين

It was designed to fix the season of Haj in order to suit their own conveniences though it defeated the Divine purpose of Haj and of the forbidden months.

إسلام ويب
In this connection it may also be kept in view that the proclamation about the prohibition of "nasi " was made on the occasion of Haj in A
معنى آية: إنما النسيء زيادة في الكفر، بالشرح التفصيلي
Likewise, the dates of Haj according to the lunar calendar, fall during different seasons: therefore the servants of Allah have to travel during all the seasons, favourable and unfavourable
أيام النسيء
It so happened that on the occasion when the Holy Prophet performed Hajja-tul-Wida'a his Last Haj
9 and next year,the Haj was performed on right dates which were in accordance with the lunar year 9, it is being observed up to this day according to the correct dates of the lunar year
Since that time Haj is being performed according to exact dates these dates by rotation coincided with the actual dates of Haj according to the lunar calendar

معنى قوله تعالى : (إِنَّمَا النَّسِيءُ زِيَادَةٌ فِي الْكُفْرِ)

It is obvious that such a training will stand them in good stead in many other fields in which one has to fight the battle of the Truth.

إسلام ويب
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Sesungguhnya mengundurundurkan bulan haram itu adalah menambah kekafiran Disesatkan orangorang yang kafir dengan mengundurundurkan itu mereka menghalalkannya pada suatu tahun dan mengharamkannya pada tahun yang lain agar mereka dapat mempersesuaikan dengan bilangan yang Allah mengharamkannya maka mereka menghalalkan apa yang diharamkan Allah Syaitan menjadikan mereka memandang perbuatan mereka yang buruk itu Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orangorang yang kafir• In this way Haj was observed for 36 years on dates other than the actual dates
ماهو تفسير قوله تعالى: النسيء زيادة في الشيخ عبدالله بن ناصر السلمي
Dalam hal ini mereka tidak menambah-nambahkan atas empat bulan yang diharamkan itu dan pula mereka tidak menguranginya hanya mereka tidak memperhatikan lagi ketentuan-ketentuan waktu yang telah ditetapkan Allah maka mereka menghalalkan apa yang diharamkan Allah
ماهو تفسير قوله تعالى: النسيء زيادة في الشيخ عبدالله بن ناصر السلمي
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Bila ya shaka kuakhirisha miezi ni kuzidi katika kukufuru; kwa hayo hupotezwa walio kufuru Wanauhalalisha mwaka mmoja na kuharimisha mwaka mwingine ili wafanye kuwa sawa idadi ya ile miezi aliyo itukuza Mwenyezi Mungu Kwa hivyo huhalalisha alivyo viharimisha Mwenyezi Mungu Wamepambiwa ubaya wa vitendo vyao hivi Na Mwenyezi Mungu hawaongoi watu makafiri• It meant that they had rebelled against Allah and become independent of Him; this is kufr
Setan menjadikan mereka memandang baik perbuatan mereka yang buruk itu sehingga mereka menduganya sebagai perbuatan yang baik Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang kafir Thus they come out successful in the Divine test under alI the circumstances and learn to be steadfast in their obedience
It is obvious that the periods of fasting and performing Haj cannot satisfy all if they be fixed in accordance with the months of the solar year Besides this, Islam is a universal religion and for all human beings

تفسير قوله تعالى: {إنما النسيء زيادة في الكفر...}

Then they would declare an ordinary month to be a prohibited month instead of this month in order to make up for the deficiency caused in the number of the prohibited months.

معنى آية: إنما النسيء زيادة في الكفر، بالشرح التفصيلي
Melayu - Basmeih : Sesungguhnya perbuatan mengundurkan kehormatan itu dari satu bulan ke satu bulan yang lain adalah menambah kekufuran yang menjadikan orangorang kafir itu tersesat kerananya Mereka menghalalkannya pada satu tahun dan mengharamkannya pada tahun yang lain supaya mereka dapat menyesuaikan bilangan bulanbulan yang empat yang telah diharamkan Allah berperang di dalamnya; dengan itu mereka menghalalkan apa yang telah diharamkan oleh Allah Perbuatan buruk mereka itu dihias dan dijadikan indah oleh Syaitan untuk dipandang baik oleh mereka Dan ingatlah Allah tidak memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada orangorang yang kafir• The other way of nasi was the addition of a month in order to harmonize the lunar with the solar year so that the Haj should always fall in the same season and they should be saved from the botheration and inconveniences that are experienced by its observance according to the lunar year
إنما النسيء زيادة في الكفر
By making nasi unlawful and forbidding it, the Law declared that the two objects for which it was practised were also sinful
معنى النسيء في اللغة العربية والقرآن الكريم
English - Sahih International : Indeed the postponing [of restriction within sacred months] is an increase in disbelief by which those who have disbelieved are led [further] astray They make it lawful one year and unlawful another year to correspond to the number made unlawful by Allah and [thus] make lawful what Allah has made unlawful Made pleasing to them is the evil of their deeds; and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people• Then in the thirty seventh year it was again observed on the 9th and 10th of Zil-Hajjah, as they should have actually fallen according to the lunar calendar