Pubmed. NCBI Insights : PubMed

To create these lists of related articles, PubMed compares words from the title and abstract of each citation, as well as the MeSH headings assigned, using a powerful word-weighted algorithm Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration
User feedback is invaluable: it has played an enormous role in updates over the 24 years PubMed has been in existence, and it continues to do so This feature was initially tested in a pilot mode since 2013 and was made permanent in 2016


The assignment of a PMID or PMCID to a publication tells the reader nothing about the type or quality of the content.

NCBI Insights : PubMed
Where appropriate, these MeSH terms are automatically "expanded", that is, include more specific terms
Not to be confused with
NCBI Insights : PubMed
Update 1: As reported previously, the PubMed Health website will shut down on October 31, 2018
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare MEDLINE® contains journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association On the other side, articles more recently incorporated into the database to which descriptors have not yet been assigned will not be found


PubMed translates this initial search formulation and automatically adds field names, relevant MeSH Medical Subject Headings terms, synonyms, Boolean operators, and 'nests' the resulting terms appropriately, enhancing the search formulation significantly, in particular by routinely combining using the OR operator textwords and MeSH terms.

There was a critical reaction from many researchers who frequently use the site
Without the need to store about 90 GB of original PubMed Datasets, anybody can write PubMed applications using the eutils-application program interface as described in "The E-utilities In-Depth: Parameters, Syntax and More", by Eric Sayers, PhD
About MEDLINE® and PubMed®: The Resources Guide
A answers many common questions about how best to use the new site
NLM thanks you for using PubMed Health over the years The 'related articles' function has been judged to be so precise that the authors of a paper suggested it can be used instead of a full search
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care As this progresses, we would love to hear what you think about these new additions! Weaknesses in the criteria and procedures for indexing journals in PubMed Central may allow publications from predatory journals to leak into PubMed


Link out is being consolidated with Outside Tool as of the major platform update coming in the Summer of 2019.

About MEDLINE® and PubMed®: The Resources Guide
We understand that it can take time to adapt to changes and find favorite features in a new interface
This feature makes PubMed searches more sensitive and avoids false-negative missed hits by compensating for the diversity of medical terminology
NCBI has information that can help with all of this, but there are so many interesting records and so little time to organize them