سواره رجاليه. Jewels

d if they believe that the processing that concerns them violates the Regulation, the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority in the Member State in which they usually reside, in the one in which they work or in the one in which the alleged violation has occurred In accordance with the Data Protection Law, the Data Controller hereby declares that Users are entitled to obtain information i on the origin of the personal data; ii the purpose and processing methods; iii the logic used in the case where the data is processed using electronic equipment; iv the personal data of the Data Controller and data processors; v the persons in charge and the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be disclosed or who may become aware of such data
name, surname, address, email address may be processed by the Partner for the purpose of sending newsletters Purpose of the Processing The personal data of Users shall be processed lawfully by Triboo pursuant to art

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Other purposes of processing: newsletter With the free and optional consent of the User, certain personal data of the User i.

In case of consent, the User may at any time withdraw the same, submitting a request to the Partner as indicated in paragraph 6 below
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the Data Protection Officer DPO designated by Triboo, at the address provided below: lapo
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Rights of Data Subjects Users may exercise their rights granted by the Applicable Regulations by contacting the Data Controllers in the following ways:• By sending an email to the address below for Triboo:triboospa legalmail
The User data collected by Triboo for the aforementioned purposes include: their name, surname, email address and any personal information of the User that may be voluntarily published it for the Partner: giovanni
By sending an e-mail to the address triboospa legalmail In the cases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the personal data of Users shall be retained for the time strictly necessary to carry out the purposes described therein and, in any case, for no more than twenty-four 24 months

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The personal data of the Users shall be retained for the time strictly necessary to carry out the primary purposes described in paragraph 1 above, or however as necessary for the protection in civil law of the interests of both the Users and Triboo.

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formation of contact lists already completed shortly before receipt by the Partner of the opposition request the User will continue to receive some further promotional messages
, legal offices in Milan, Viale Sarca 336, Edificio 16, Italy, shared capital euro 28
By sending an email to the address below: email partner Users can also contact:• b administrative-accounting purposes, or to carry out activities of an organisational, administrative, financial and accounting nature, such as internal organisational activities and functional activities required to fulfil contractual and pre-contractual obligations; c legal obligations, i
210,00 in, REA MI 1906661, VAT code and Registry of Businesses of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi number 02387250307 Triboo Digitale S The User can also easily object to receiving further promotional communications by email by clicking on the appropriate link for the withdrawal of consent, which is provided in each email containing the communications
The Partner hereby declares that, after exercising the right to withdraw consent pursuant to the sending of promotional communications via email, it is possible that, for technical and operational reasons e The User can also easily object to receiving further promotional material by clicking on the withdrawal of consent link, which is provided in each email containing the newsletter

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The personal data that are necessary to pursue the processing purposes described in paragraph 1 herein are indicated with an asterisk on the Website registration form.

Data processing procedures and retention times The Data Controllers shall process the personal data of Users using manual and electronic instruments, with logics which are strictly related to the aforementioned purposes, in a way which guarantees the security and confidentiality of such data
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By sending a fax to the number numero partner• name, surname, address, email, telephone number may be processed by the Partner also for marketing purposes sending advertising material, direct sales and commercial communication , i
Users have the right to obtain a list of any data processors appointed respectively by each Data Controller, submitting a request to the relative Data Controller as indicated in paragraph 6 below