كلام انقليزي. رسائل انجليزية مترجمة

Beautiful gradients of colors dark and light, Sunlight mixed with soft rainy weather In life people meet for various reasons
The most important thing is life is quality and not quantity You stood by my side to support me when I was alone

عبارات جميلة بالانجليزي مترجمة

Try not to lose hope after all obstacles, this is the real failure• When lovers meet, they speak with their eyes not with their tongues.

57 عبارات تحفيزية بالانجليزي [مترجمة]: كلام قوي سيغير حياتك !
Every time I whine for not having something I want, I see your picture to realize that I actually have everything I could ever ask for
عبارات جميلة بالانجليزي قصيره
I am going to write a letter to Facebook to put a HUG button on your profile so I can hug you anytime I want
كلام حب بالانجليزي
True love can change you from the inside
I asked for a friend, He gave me you You are a special friend in my heart
Life puts you on probation first and then teaches you the lesson If you love truthfully, you will understand what your lover says in his silence

كلمات انجليزية مترجمة للعربية

It is plagued by the traffic of my teeny tantrums and stoplights of my moody outburst.

كلام جميل عن نفسي بالاعتزاز والفخر
But at the end of the day it leads straight to just one destination your heart
حكم عن النجاح بالانجليزي مترجمة اقوي 20 مقولة عن النجاح
You are one of the finest person i have ever found
57 عبارات تحفيزية بالانجليزي [مترجمة]: كلام قوي سيغير حياتك !
My longing for you became a burning fire in my ribs