انواع الموسيقى. أنواع الآلات الموسيقية

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press Stavans, Ilan; Augenbraum, Harold 2005
The term Latin music identifies a wide range of genres and styles generated in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula Jane Garry 2005 , Encyclopedia of African American Society, United States: SAGE Publications, Page 465

أنواع آلات الموسيقى

Stanley Sadie, John Tyrrell 2001 , The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians, New York: Grove, Page 1-5.

انواع الموسيقى بالانجليزى
1989 , "A Middle Palaeolithic human hyoid bone", Nature , Issue 338, Page 758—760
أنواع الموسيقا
Ted Gioia 2011 , The History of Jazz, New York: Oxford University Press, Page 326, Part 2
Ralph Turek, Allan Schindler 1996 , the elements of music: concepts and applications, New York: McGraw-Hill, Page 1-10 Flores, Juan; Rosaldo, Renato 2007
Including Spain, there are twenty-two predominately Spanish-speaking countries, and there are many more styles of Latin music Scott Crossley 2005 , "Metaphorical Conceptions in Hip-Hop Music", African American Review, Issue 1, Folder 1, Page 501-502

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