בנט נפתלי. Naftali Bennett

He served under Prime Minister Netanyahu as and from 2013 to 2015, before being appointed as Minister of Education in 2015 Born and raised in , the son of immigrants from the United States, Bennett served in the and special forces units of the , commanding many combat operations, and subsequently became a software entrepreneur
Defense Secretary in February 2020 In April 2011, together with , he co-founded , which claims to have 94,000 Israeli members גם הסקטורים שכביכול מרוויחים מהאנרכיה הזאת נפגעים ממנה: במקום חיסון מסודר למורים קיבלנו פעולת יח"צ לראווה עבור מפלגת חולדאי שפגעה ביכולת לקדם מהלך ארצי דומה

גילת בנט

Yamina won six seats in that election.

גילת בנט
In December 2018, Bennett was among the Jewish Home MKs to leave the party and form the breakaway party
Naftali Bennett
In April 2012, he founded a movement named Yisraelim "Israelis"
גילת בנט
She was secular but following her husband she now observes the and
Following 's resignation as Defense Minister in November 2018, Bennett announced that he was seeking the position for himself חי פה — חדשות חיפה in Hebrew
In spite of this, Yamina won seven seats in the in March לאחר חזרתם של בני הזוג לישראל, פתחה ב מפעל בשם "Gilati", אולם מכרה אותו עם הולדת בנם הבכור

גילת בנט

It was then announced that Bennett's Jewish Home party would no longer be affiliated with Netanyahu's government.

בנט: החרדים מסכנים את
There are situations where insisting on perfection can lead to more trouble than it's worth
בנט: החרדים מסכנים את
He was appointed and in March 2013
גילת בנט
He was given a choice of remaining in Sayeret Matkal but as a regular operator rather than a commander or transferring to the commando unit to receive a command position, and chose to transfer to Maglan
Economy and society Bennett with , , and at the Jasmine businesswomen's convention for promotion of , Israel, 15 December 2014 Bennett believes in less government regulation of the private sector and that private businesses are the engine of economic growth כך החיסונים נלקחו על ידי חולדאי לצרכים פוליטיים, והפוליטיקאים החרדים עושים דין לעצמם ומסכנים את הציבור שלהם ואת כלל אזרחי ישראל"
Bennett served during the and in the in Lebanon during the He favors social support of vulnerable populations such as the elderly and disabled

גילת בנט

The day before, , the leader of , had split from the alliance, and would be named as the in the.

גילת בנט
They later moved to Israel, joining their daughter's family there, and settled on Vitkin Street in Haifa, close to where Bennett and his brothers grew up
Naftali Bennett
His father was arrested while taking part in an anti-racism sit-in protest in 1964
היועץ, והשכן המיליונר: כל אנשי הכוורת של נפתלי בנט
As Economy Minister, Bennett oversaw a new strategy by Israel to increase trade with around the world and reduce trade with the , so as to diversify its foreign trade