عبد السلام. شادي عبد السلام

Qari Syed Buzurg Shah Al-Azhari• Salam remained associated with the nuclear weapons programme until mid-1974, when he left the country after were declared non-Muslims by the Pakistani Parliament [ ] Salam was a firm believer that "scientific thought is the common heritage of mankind", and that developing nations needed to help themselves, and invest in their own scientists to boost development and reduce the gap between the , thus contributing to a more peaceful world
Salam had a long-held dream to establish a research institute in Pakistan, which he had advocated for on many occasions , speech delivered to UNESCO, 27 April 1984

أيمن عبد السلام

His own relations with Prime minister Bhutto fell out and turned into open hostility after the was declared as not-Islamic; he lodged a public and powerful protest against Bhutto regarding this issue and gave great criticism to Bhutto over his control over science.

عماد عبد السلام رؤوف
He is remembered by his peers and students as the "father of Pakistan's school of Theoretical Physics" as well as Pakistan's science
محمد عبد السلام
After his departure, he did not completely cut his ties to Pakistan, and kept a close association with the Theoretical Physics Group as well as academic scientists from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
هيا عبد السلام
USSR Academy of Sciences 1983• In 1950, he received the from Cambridge University for the most outstanding pre-doctoral contribution to Physics
During a visit to the Institute of Physics at in 1979, Salam explained after receiving an award: Physicists believed there are four fundamental forces of nature; the gravitational force, the weak and strong nuclear force, and the electromagnetic force Abdus Salam lectures on G
Ali, A; Isham, C; Kibble, T; 1994 We projected him as a hero, a father, and role model for our young scientists

عماد عبد السلام رؤوف

Even in Pakistan, Salam was the leading driving force in theoretical physics in Pakistan, with many scientists he continued to influence and encourage to keep their work on theoretical physics.

محمد عبد السلام
Two of his daughters are Anisa Bushra Salam Bajwa and Aziza Rahman
Abdus Salam
Contributions [ ] Salam's primary focus was research on the physics of elementary particles
عبد السلام النابلسي
Salam had a prolific research career in theoretical and high-energy physics