ماهو العنبر. ما هو العنبر

Pitman RL, Ballance LT, Mesnick SI, Chivers SJ 2001 "Ambergris: The Search for Its Origin"
"The Physiological Basis of Diving to Depth: Birds and Mammals" "Morphology, Functional; Diving Adaptations of the Cardiovascular System"

ما فوائد العنبر

"Three dimensional beam pattern of regular sperm whale clicks confirms bent-horn hypothesis".

فوائد عنبر الحوت
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من اين يستخرج العنبر .. وماهي طريقة استخراجه
"A new species of Middle Miocene sperm whale of the genus Scaldicetus Cetacea; Physeteridae from Shiga-mura, Japan"
العنبر وفوائده للصحة وطرق استخدامه وأضراره
Sperm Whales: Social Evolution in the Ocean
pdf "El Cachalote Physeter macrocephalus "] PDF In Pursuit of Leviathan: Technology, Institutions, Productivity, and Profits in American Whaling, 1816—1906 National Bureau of Economic Research Series on Long-Term Factors in Economic Dev
"The monopulsed nature of sperm whale clicks" "First discovery of the Miocene northern Atlantic sperm whale Orycterocetus in the Mediterranean"


Sperm Whales: Social Evolution in the Ocean.

تعريف العنبر وفوائده
The Journal of Experimental Biology
فوائد عنبر الحوت
Guide to Marine Mammals of the World
ما هو العنبر
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
"Click production during breathing in a sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus L " Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society "The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and a paradigm: the name Physeter catodon Linnaeus 1758"

ما هو الكهرمان أو العنبر؟

"The Diet of Galapagos sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus as indicated by faecal sample analysis".

ما هو العنبر ومن اين يستخرج ؟
Piper, Ross 2007 , Extraordinary Animals: An Encyclopedia of Curious and Unusual Animals,
حوت العنبر
FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes
العنبر: ما هو وهل له من فوائد؟
R, Schmidt-Koenig, K, Jacobs, G