Alfred the great. The Mysterious Death Of Alfred The Great

The Earliest English Kings Revised ed His body was first buried near Winchester Cathedral, moved at least once there, then moved again to Hyde Abbey in a great procession in 1110
The official website of the British Monarchy There were local raids on the coast of Wessex throughout the 880s

King Alfred the Great 849

Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

'Alfred the Great' bones exhumed from unmarked grave
Wessex had possessed a royal fleet before this
'Alfred the Great' bones exhumed from unmarked grave
His oldest son, Aethelstan, had perished before him
Alfred the Great
The story that, in his childhood, he was sent to Ireland to be healed by Saint may show Alfred's interest in that island
Who was King Alfred the Great? Æthelred died shortly afterwards in April
Although he was the youngest of his brothers, he was probably the most open-minded Although Alfred founded monasteries at Athelney and Shaftesbury, these were the first new monastic houses in Wessex since the beginning of the eighth century

Alfred the Great: 10 Major Accomplishments

While the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes attacked settlements for plunder, they employed different tactics.

King Alfred the Great 849
Alfred's ships may have been superior in conception
'Alfred the Great' bones exhumed from unmarked grave
A solemn diploma from , dated 873, is so poorly constructed and written that historian posited a scribe who was either so blind he could not read what he wrote or who knew little or no Latin
Why was Alfred the Great One of Only Two Kings Named ‘Great’ in English History?
London, UK: Weidenfeld and Nicolson