عبدالسلام عارف. مصرع عبد السلام عارف

Instead, however, he led his army units into and on July 14 launched a against the Al-Bazzaz was unsuccessful, and was elected president
Qasim refused and was consequently executed From left to right: , , Arif, and , by a coalition of , army units, and other pan-Arabist groups

عبد السلام محمد عارف.. رئيس جمهورية انقلاب 8 شباط 1963 لــ الكاتب / هادي حسن عليوي

After a fallout with Nasser in July, the Ba'athist government of Iraq removed all non-Ba'athist members from the cabinet, despite Arif's support for Nasser.

عبد الرحمن عارف
Qasim had him released in November 1961
عبدالرحمن عارف
Following a , Arif entered his country into unification talks with Syria and Egypt which had split from the UAR in 1961
Abdul Salam Arif
18 December 2004 Bibliography [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to
In the fall of 1964, the Ba'ath attempted to depose Arif, but failed when their plot was unveiled He played a leading role in the , in which the was overthrown on 14 July 1958
Although he was chosen as president, more power was held by the Ba'athist prime minister, Also, all banks and over thirty major Iraqi businesses were nationalized

عارف عبد الرزاق

Arif refused to take up the post and upon returning to Baghdad on November 4, he was promptly arrested for plotting against the state.

عبد الرحمن عارف
On 14 July the anniversary of the revolution, he declared the establishment of the ASU of Iraq, commending it as the "threshold of the building of the unity of the under
من هو عبد السلام عارف ويكيبيديا
Family [ ] On 13 December 2004, Arif's daughter, Sana Abdul Salam, and her husband, Wamith Abdul Razzak Said Alkadiry, were shot dead in their home in Baghdad by unknown assailants
عبد الرحمن عارف
A month later he handed the latter post to his brother General , and the premiership to his confidant Lieutenant-General
Qasim pleaded with Arif to be exiled instead of executed and reminded Arif that he had commuted his death sentence two years before Death [ ] On 13 April 1966, Arif was killed in the crash of , RF392, in southern Iraq, and was replaced as president by his brother Abdul Rahman
Rafal Alkadiry, their 22-year-old son, was kidnapped, and later killed

Abdul Salam Arif

Like Qasim, Arif served with distinction in the otherwise unsuccessful 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict, where he captured Jenin in what is now the West Bank part of Palestine.

Abdul Salam Arif
Arif undertook these measures in an effort to bring Iraq closer with Egypt to help foster unity and on 20 December plans for union were announced
عبد السلام عارف صعدَ لحماً هبطَ فَحماً
President of Iraq [ ] Arab leaders at the in
عبد السلام عارف صعدَ لحماً هبطَ فَحماً
Ismael; Kamal Abu Jaber 1991 , , Simon and Schuster,• Bernard Reich 1990 , Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa: A Biographical Dictionary, Greenwood Publishing Group, Political offices Preceded by February 8, 1963 — April 13, 1966 Succeeded by