الارقام اللاتينية. طريقة تحويل الارقام العربية الى ارقام لاتينية على الوورد

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V IIIII was used rarely in the Middle Ages I think the eastern Asians and Indians also had similar placeholder shapes, but the origin did come from a Persian mathematician name slips my mind if someone does google it and it says arab please do not mix arab and Persian

معلومات عن اللغة اللاتينية

CL CC CCC CD D DC DCLXVI Using every symbol except M in descending order gives the.

الأعداد اللاتينية
L LX LXIX LXX The abbreviation for the LXXVI LXXX XC XCIX As opposed to the "shortcut" way IC seen
as clever as the romans were they had no numeral for 0 which meant their numbering system was cumbersome to say the least
الأرقام العربية تستبدل الأرقام اللاتينية في كبرى المتاحف الفرنسية والصحف الإيطالية غاضبة
7 S, Z Presumed abbreviation of septem, Latin for 7
D or D for five hundred thousand• Note the indicating its value I II III IV IIII is still used on clock and faces
800 W More properly, the Greek , as W was a fairly new creation DCC DCCC CM M MCDXLIV Smallest each symbol is used MDCLXVI Largest efficient pandigital number each symbol occurs exactly once MDCCCLXXXVIII Longest number when written excluding multiple M's MCMXC Shortcuts like XMM and MXM disagree with the rule stated MCMXCVII MCMXCIX Shortcuts like IMM and MIM disagree with the rule stated MM MMI 2,001 MMIX 2,009 MMD 2,500 MMM IV sometimes MMMM [ ] or M V V VMDCLXVI This number uses every symbol up to V once


To cut it short Arabic Numerals refer to the decimal digits 0 to 9.

الأرقام اللاتينية
romanenthusiast, I think what moshiri is trying to say is that the number zero enabled the current numbering system to be established
الأعداد اللاتينية
But going to the origin Im not quiet sure it was completely a Persian invention
الأرقام اللاتينية => I II III ...
XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXV XXX XXXV XL XLV XLIX Per rule , IL would not be generally accepted