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The weld specimen is then mechanically bent to fracture along the weld centre line and the cross section is visually examined for imperfections LMATS has several other innovative advanced NDT capabilities
This test is performed to reveal internal imperfections such as slag inclusion, lack of fusion, incomplete penetration, porosity, etc in a butt weld An artifical notch or a groove is intentionally introduced by a hacksaw or a cutting disc on the weld face, along the primary axis of the weld to facilitate fracture in the centre line of the weld

Weld Nick break test

Contact LMATS' laboratory nearest to you on 1300 707 365 in Melbourne, Sydney, Albury, Newcastle, Brisbane or Perth for further information.

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Advanced NDT - Guided Wave LRUT, PEC Pulsed Eddy current , ECA Eddy Current Array , ACFM, ACPD, PAUT, Hydroform, TOFD, CRT, Heat exchanger tube testing - IRIS, RFT, NFT, NFA Near Field Array , MFL tank floor, SteerRover
Weld Nick break test
The depth of the notch is approximately 2 to 3mm depending on the thickness of the weld
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In thin materials, the depth of the notch may be less than 2mm 2 and ASME IX QW 182 are some of the common standard method utilised to perform this test

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