يمكن زيادة ضغط غاز محصور له حجم ثابت اذا. قانون بويل

Properties which depend on the amount of gas either by mass or volume are called extensive properties, while properties that do not depend on the amount of gas are called intensive properties The resulting statistical analysis of this sample size produces the "average" behavior i
In this flight regime, the gas is no longer behaving ideally In , the name given to these intermolecular forces is van der Waals force


He observed that when the pressure was increased in the gas, by adding more mercury to the column, the trapped gas' volume decreased this is known as an relationship.

As a gas is heated, the particles speed up and its temperature rises
القلم له شكل ثابت و حجم ثابت
Since gas molecules can move freely within a container, their mass is normally characterized by density
يمكن زيادة ضغط غاز محصور له حجم ثابت إذا درجة حرارته
The image of Boyle's equipment shows some of the exotic tools used by Boyle during his study of gases
This results in greater numbers of collisions with the container per unit time due to the higher particle speeds associated with elevated temperatures Then the volume of gas was carefully measured as additional mercury was added to the tube
For example, if the volume is halved, the pressure is doubled; and if the volume is doubled, the pressure is halved A solid can withstand a shearing force due to the strength of these sticky intermolecular forces

قوانين الغازات

Ignoring these forces in certain conditions allows a to be treated like an.

قوانين الغازات
The delta wing image clearly shows the boundary layer thickening as the gas flows from right to left along the leading edge
يمكن زيادة ضغط غاز محصور له حجم ثابت إذا درجة حرارته
Use of this distribution implies near for the system of particles being considered
يمكن زيادة ضغط غاز محصور له حجم ثابت إذا درجة حرارته
An example where the "ideal gas approximation" would be suitable would be inside a of a