هرمون الذكورة. انخفاض هرمون الذكورة

Southren AL, Tochimoto S, Carmody NC, Isurugi K Nov 1965 Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
Southren AL, Gordon GG, Tochimoto S, Pinzon G, Lane DR, Stypulkowski W May 1967 Replacement therapy may produce desired results, such as greater muscle mass and a stronger sex drive

حدوتة هرمون الذكورة التستوستيرون

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Dabbs M, Dabbs JM 2000
حدوتة هرمون الذكورة التستوستيرون
Advances in the Management of Testosterone Deficiency
انخفاض هرمون الذكورة
"Mean plasma concentration, metabolic clearance and basal plasma production rates of testosterone in normal young men and women using a constant infusion procedure: effect of time of day and plasma concentration on the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone"
Mooradian AD, Morley JE, Korenman SG Feb 1987 Last medically reviewed on January 7, 2021
50 3 : 678, author reply 678—9 "Mean plasma concentration, metabolic clearance and basal plasma production rates of testosterone in normal young men and women using a constant infusion procedure: effect of time of day and plasma concentration on the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone"

حدوتة هرمون الذكورة التستوستيرون

The production of testosterone starts to increase significantly during and begins to dip after age 30 or so.

Testosterone is most commonly associated with sex drive in men
Testosterone: What It Is and How It Affects Your Health
Southren AL, Tochimoto S, Carmody NC, Isurugi K Nov 1965
حدوتة هرمون الذكورة التستوستيرون
decrease in sperm production have found no greater risk of prostate cancer with testosterone replacement therapy, but it continues to be a topic of ongoing research