عبارة حب قصيره. عبارات حب قصيرة

True love is to be my self with you as if I am alone• The person who humiliates himself in the name of love is the greatest idiot in this world, because true love preserves dignity• Love is magic that heals the spirit and purifies the heart and gives beauty and shine on the face
True love fills the soul before the heart Love is to support you when all people abandon you

عبارات عن الحب بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي

Love is the most beautiful meaning of freedom• The heart that lives without love does not know the taste of life.

عبارات حب قصيرة , كلمات حب قوية وقصيرة
100 عبارة عن الحب
عبارات قصيرة عن الحب

65 عبارة قصيرة من أجمل العبارات


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