منصة طاقات. برنامج طاقات للتوظيف

• equality in dealing : Must That the equality of treatment be reflected in the performance The volunteer is on a clear and impartial basis far from All kinds of prejudice and racism • that The volunteer is keen to present and direct the work Of the highest quality possible
From During their commitment to the following items :• 3- Aware Because it does not represent the organization to which it belongs Only, it is a representative of the nation, its values and principles • Sweetening Responsibility for his volunteer work to be reflected Positive for the organization and society

منصة طاقات

Abstinence For accepting any gift, service, or favors except Cases justified by rules and customs of hospitality And fitness.

الصفحة الرئيسية
Reliability And take responsibility : that The volunteer is trustworthy, and distinguished Responsible for his actions and his words, add To being : 1- Tolerate Responsibility for carrying out the work assigned to him
منصة طاقات للمساعدة في الحصول على وظيفة في المملكة العربية السعودية
• And from For this, the volunteer must :• To commit With the agreements and partnerships that it makes the organization
Volunteer Work Gate
• Through the volunteer work platform, you can volunteer, in the place, time, and field that suits your experiences and skills
Appreciation Treat everyone with respect and dignity that Communicate with others with quality and effectiveness
Purpose Of The Guide : Aim to This charter is to clarify the controls Commitments, values and principles that It contributes to achieving the goals of the Kingdom's vision 2030 to reach To one million volunteers Locate Requirements pertaining to For volunteers And their duties, and their rights are preserved during Doing voluntary work Non Disclosure of information about the beneficiaries of the work Volunteer

Volunteer Work Gate

• that He presents what he has with a positive and fruitful effect Around it.

Volunteer Work Gate
that Be aware and know the reference of inquiries About the policies and procedures in the organization
الصفحة الرئيسية
إنشاء حساب في البوابة الوطنية للعمل (طاقات) للباحثين عن العمل
• that The volunteer runs his own affairs And the process in a way that does not harm the reputation of the organization That he volunteers with
Non Use of the organization's resources for purposes and benefits Personalized, in any way • Personal Positive : Personal Positivity is the generous, proactive personality That supports and contributes without waiting for anything, and it is A balanced personality, balanced between rights Duties and possess seriousness, and objectivity And perseverance
And for this Must Non-discrimination in providing volunteer service For beneficiaries based on race, color, or Sex, age, nationality, religion, or Physical or mental disability • Implement Tasks according to the approved structure and references In the organization

طاقات اعانة البحث عن عمل الرابط وطريقة التقديم عبر منصة طاقات 2021

that Take an open, positive side in dealing With the employees of the organization and harnessing the potential Available to him for the success of the volunteer projects That works out.

تجربتي مع طاقات للتوظيف
• To commit Complete controls, regulations and policies Approved by the organization
تجربتي مع طاقات للتوظيف
• To commit By preserving the organization's property and on The covenant delivered to him in all its forms And return it to the organization
ماهو نظام طاقات.. منصة الباحثين عن عمل في السعودية
• And for this It is expected of a volunteer :• Achievement Volunteer work with honesty and integrity according to the requirements Volunteer work, its principles and morals