قناة bbc. قناة بى بى سي العربية بث مباشر BBC Arabia Live

The corporation has long faced accusations of liberal and leftwing bias from politicians and other sections of the media Special Issue Research Project Reports
The handbook of public affairs supra Curran and Seaton, p

تردد قناة بي بي سي عربي الجديد 2021 على نايل عرب سات

Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

تردد قناة بي بي سي عربي الجديد 2021 على نايل عرب سات
Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press
تردد قناة بي بي سي عربي الجديد 2021 على نايل عرب سات
, Britain between the Wars 1918—1940 1955 p 242
بي بي سي
London, England: Redwood Burn Limited, Trowbridge
"A UK Case: Lobbying for a new BBC Charter" Government recognises the enormous contribution that the BBC has made to British life and culture, both at home and abroad
Under the Royal Charter, the BBC must obtain a licence from the Home Secretary Mike Huggins, "BBC Radio and Sport 1922—39," Contemporary British History 2007 21 4 pp 491—515

BBC Learning English

The Review of English Studies.

BBC Learning English
"BBC Annual Report and Handbook"
شاهد البث المباشر
— The Memoirs of a British Broadcaster — History of the Zircon spy satellite affair, written by a former Director-General of the BBC
قناة بى بى سي العربية بث مباشر BBC Arabia Live
— Historical background relating to the British Broadcasting Company, Ltd, its founding companies; their transatlantic connections; General Post Office licensing system; commercial competitors from Europe before the Second World War and offshore during the 1960s