يشترط في الحيوان المعلّم إذا أرسل للصيد ألّا. هل جوارح الطير يباح صيدها وإن أكلت من الفريسة

Other jurists hold that the prey is not rendered unlawful even if the hunting animal has eaten part of the game; even if it has devoured one-third of the animal, the consumption of the remaining two-thirds is lawful, irrespective of whether the hunting animal is a bird or a beast Berbeda halnya dengan yang tidak terlatih, maka tangkapannya itu tidak halal
This is the view of Malik This was a great reform, and it liberated human life from many unnecessary constraints

المطلب الأوَّل: أنْ يَكونَ حيوانُ الصَّيْدِ مُعَلَّمًا

Henceforth, except for a few prohibitions, the lawful domain embraced virtually everything.

أحكام الأطعمة والصيد والمقناص
Hatim asked the Prophet peace be on him whether he could use hounds for hunting
الفرع الأوَّل: أنْ يَسترسِلَ إذا أُرسِلَ
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 他们问你准许他们吃什么,你说:准许你们吃-切佳美的食物,你们曾遵真主的教诲,而加以训练的鹰犬等所为你们捕获的动物,也是可以吃的;你们放纵鹰犬的时候,当诵真主之名,并当敬畏真主。 The Qur'an's response to this question seems to be aimed, in the first place, at the reform of this mentality
شرح حديث عن عديّ بن حاتم
The reason for this distinction is that hunting beasts can be trained to hold the game for their master whereas experience shows that hunting birds are not fully capable of receiving such instruction
There is a certain subtlety in how the query is answered This is the view of Malik
Katakanlah, "Dihalalkan bagimu yang baik-baik yang enak-enak atau yang halal dan hasil buruan dari binatang-binatang buas yang telah kamu ajar seperti anjing, serigala dan burung dengan melatihnya berburu hal dari kallabtal kalba pakai tasydid pada lam; artinya biasa kamu lepas berburu kamu ajar mereka itu hal dari dhamir mukallibiina; artinya kamu latih mereka itu menurut apa yang diajarkan Allah kepadamu tentang cara berburu maka makanlah apa-apa yang ditangkapnya untukmu mereka membunuh buruan tanpa memakannya They should pronounce the name of God at the time of dispatching animals to the hunt

يسألونك ماذا أحل لهم ۖ قل أحل لكم الطيبات ۙ وما علمتم من الجوارح مكلبين تعلمونهن مما علمكم الله ۖ فكلوا مما أمسكن عليكم واذكروا اسم الله عليه ۖ واتقوا الله ۚ إن الله سريع الحساب

It is a characteristic of animals which have been trained to hunt that they hold the prey for their masters rather than devour it.

المطلب الأوَّل: أنْ يَكونَ حيوانُ الصَّيْدِ مُعَلَّمًا
It is for this reason that while the catch of these trained animals is lawful, that of others is prohibited
شروط الصيد
The reason for this distinction is that hunting beasts can be trained to hold the game for their master whereas experience shows that hunting birds are not fully capable of receiving such instruction
هل جوارح الطير يباح صيدها وإن أكلت من الفريسة
This is the opinion of Abu Hanifah and his disciples
It is for this reason that while the catch of these trained animals is lawful, that of others is prohibited Somali - Abduh : waxay ku warsan maxaa loo Xalaaleeyey waxaad dhahdaa waxaa laydiin xallilay Wanaagga Xalaasha iyo waxaad wax barteen oo wax Dhaawaca idinkoo ku ugaadhsan ood baraysaan wuxuu idin baray Eebe ee ka cuna waxay idiin qabtaan ku Xusana Magaca Eebe kana Dhawrsada Eebe ILaahay waa deg degtaa Xisaabtiisuye• ' Then he inquired what should be done if one had pronounced the name of God while dispatching one's own hound, but later found another hound close to the prey
' Then he inquired what should be done if one had pronounced the name of God while dispatching one's own hound, but later found another hound close to the prey Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Mereka menanyakan kepadamu "Apakah yang dihalalkan bagi mereka" Katakanlah "Dihalalkan bagimu yang baikbaik dan buruan yang ditangkap oleh binatang buas yang telah kamu ajar dengan melatih nya untuk berburu; kamu mengajarnya menurut apa yang telah diajarkan Allah kepadamu Maka makanlah dari apa yang ditangkapnya untukmu dan sebutlah nama Allah atas binatang buas itu waktu melepaskannya Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah sesungguhnya Allah amat cepat hisabNya• The lawfulness of things has been tied, however, to the stipulation of their being clean so that no one can argue for the lawfulness of things which are unclean

شرح حديث عن عديّ بن حاتم

The answer is that everything is clean apart from those things which can be reckoned unclean either according to any of the principles embodied in the Law or which are repellent to man's innate sense of good taste or which civilized human beings have generally found offensive to their natural feelings of cleanliness and decency.

المطلب الأوَّل: أنْ يَكونَ حيوانُ الصَّيْدِ مُعَلَّمًا
The Prophet peace be on him replied: 'Do not eat that, for you have pronounced the name of God on your own hound, but not on the other one
المطلب الأوَّل: أنْ يَكونَ حيوانُ الصَّيْدِ مُعَلَّمًا
But if he does not find it alive it will still be lawful to eat it since the name of God has already been pronounced
شروط الصيد
Berbeda halnya dengan yang tidak terlatih, maka tangkapannya itu tidak halal